The satisfaction of our customers is essential Every day, they talk about our commitment to excellence with them by providing methods, consulting services and training to improve safety in their companies, day after day.
Trainee testimonials
At the end of every training session, our trainees voice their opinions. Here are some testimonials given at the end of the sessions:
Very lively content and delivery. Thank you and bravo!
Conviction, method, credibility, enthusiasm and a good teacher
I will have a more informed attitude to safety. Top quality and lively delivery. Thank you
Videos, case studies, quality delivery: thank you for making me want to share
Dynamic, friendly and competent. Bravo
Very well explained, direct and concrete. Thank you very much
Safety is an everyday value and task. You can sense ETSCAF’s know-how. Thank you
The instructor was credible and passionate. Thank you and see you again very soon!
Communication on safety with all types of management during the course. Friendly and a good listener
Solid theoretical base for a quick concrete application. Bravo and thank you
A method that is clear and easy to implement. Excellent!
A well explained method with concrete examples. When are you coming back?
Rhythm, activity, field application: keep it up
A very lively and enriching training session. Thank you
Very useful. A dynamic instructor. Tip top! Lots of energy. Thank you
Safety is a top priority for all of us. Tip top!
The methodology is precise and allows for effective and useful visits. Instructive and professional. Thank you
Excellent: highly professional and convincing
Customer testimonials
Every day, they bear witness our determination to do whatever it takes, shoulder to shoulder with them, to halve the number of accidents in their company every two years.